Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Bike Ride

Yesterday Elliott walked down the street to go and get Ryann who was playing outside with her sisters and the other kids that live on our street. She asked Elliott if he would help her ride her bike home. (This bike has no training wheels and we haven't taken the time to practice with her riding a bike without them) The good dad he is he said, "Sure" (all while cringing inside). But to his surprise he helped her get going and she went and rode the bike all by herself down the street. He then got me outside to show me what she could do. Of course we now have to teach her how to stop...minor detail. She is my third child I was still was just amazed to see her riding a bike all by herself...at the age of four...she's so big...weep,weep. Elliott was soooo excited! He is hoping that at least one of his girls will love cycling as much as he.

Go Ryann Go!


The Jonas Family said...

I am impressed. My kids, Brandon-5 and Taylor just turned 4 can't ride without training wheels. It is a chore to teach them. My son just has to have confidence and balance. I think Taylor will catch on soon. She just got a bike for her birthday, but with training wheels. And my son is riding his scooter now.

Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

I not surprised really...she has always seemed very coordinated...Ady might be early too...maybe you shoud build a rock climbing wall in your yard for her,
forget about a bike!!!