Thursday, November 12, 2009

Diapers Be Gone

Addy has been on and off with her interest with potty training. Potty training is by far one of my most un-favorite transitions my children go through so I don't encourage it. She can also be STUBBORN and I have to let her "DOOO IT!" with everything else so this would be no different. All last week she kept taking off her diaper and has been running around the house with a naked bum. It is a fight to get a diaper back on her. So I decided to buckle down and take the leap. For the last two days she has only worn panties all day long with no accidents. I have even done two short outings with her in panties...I was sooo brave. I am crossing my fingers this is it and we will be done with diapers for good.

Our main floor only has tile and and girls love to ride their scooters around inside including Addy. This was one scene one morning with Addy and her missing diaper. If you notice her Halloween Candy bag is hanging off the handle bars. She was riding around as if this was completely normal.


The Jonas Family said...

good luck! hopefully you are done for good.

letspromotenewblogs said...

Let's join it
