We experienced that ultimate trunk 'r' treat but here they call it "track or treat" The whole stake goes to a park that has a sidewalk that goes around the whole park. Members set up on both sides and the kids walk around the track trick or treating. Some people go all out decorating there spot...pretty impressive. This was held on the 30th. Elliott handed out the candy as I walked around with the girls. His favorite "family-themed" costume was a family that did the Little Mermaid...the dad was King Triton and so on. The girls got tons of candy and it worked out because we took out all the candy they didn't want and gave it away to our trick or treater the next night...kinda like re-gifting I guess. Halloween we took them around our little neighborhood that has about 80 homes. We went with two other neighbors and the girls had a blast. I was loving that fact that I was wearing a short sleeve shirt and flip flops and was not cold! Our girls didn't go trick or treating in WY because it was too cold and we would bundle them up in UT. But to not even have to wear a long sleeve shirt...awesome. The night before at the track or trick was a little chilly or as Addy says, "coldy" but Halloween was a beautiful night. Now we get to deal with all the candy.....
This year we had two themes going on...we had a Dorothy and Glenda and an Alice and Queen of Hearts. My mom made Kylee's Queen of Hearts costume and it turned out amazing. You can tell she put a lot of hard work into it and she did it while going through radiation! (Go Mom...Good news she just finished her radiation last weeks!!)

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