Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lab Work

Since I have a lovely lump protruding from my neck I have begun the ever fun process of tests. I am not a big fan of needles, AT ALL. I really don't understand why because it isn't really that painful but the whole thing bugs me. I also can't handle seeing my own blood or seeing a needle being stuck inside my body.

So off to the lab to get my blood drawn...denied the first time because the nurse forgot to inform me I needed to fast (hour of my day wasted).

Take Two next day. This time I had to take Addy and Ryann with me. Ryann who shares my fear of needles was very concerned that she would have it done to her too. She is a very smart girl and probably realizes that if a needle is involved with her we won't say anything until it is about to happen. When I told her it was just for me she was still concerned the lady might try and take her blood too. This gave me the perfect opportunity....I told her as long as she was good, I wouldn't let it happen. Okay so I know this is really mean but if it means she will be nice to Addy and not complain or whine about something, I will play that card.

Once inside the waiting room a young toddler is called back. Poor guy was screaming and crying and it took 3 people to hold him down so the lady could get his blood.

Ryann looks up at me very concerned and asks, "Are we being good?" The look on her face was priceless. I couldn't help but laugh to myself and kinda feel guilty.

2 minutes later the boy is still screaming and Addy looks at me concerned and asks, "Mommy are you going to cry?" AHhhh how sweet, she was concerned about her Mom. Cry no. Pass-out maybe.

After they were done taking most of my blood I was helping the girls get into the car when this conversation took place.

Addy: Mom I don't want my blood ever taken.
Ryann: (In her rude tone) Well when you are a mom you will have to get your blood taken.
Addy: (Freaked out) Mom, I don't want to be a mom when I get bigger.

Needless to say I got my entertainment for the day.