Friday, January 29, 2010

Toddler Talk

The one thing that is aways cute with toddlers is when they are new talkers. It is amazing how one phrase or even just one word said by a toddler will make you laugh and by far the cutest is when they sing. Here are a few of Addison's latest:

"Walk-uh"--I think she is saying, "What The" nevertheless it makes me think of an ewok from Return of the Jedi even though I have not seen that movie since I was a kid and can't even remember if they even talk...but if they did..."Walk-uh" would be a word in there language. I also think this is just the shorten version of the phrase that she has said several times..."What the Heck?" Thanks to Ryann (a habit we are trying to break from her) Addison has picked up this phrase.

"Bless You"-- Elliott sneezed the other day and immediately Addy says "Bless you, Daddy"

Even hearing her saying "Hi, Ryann" first thing in the morning is cute. But the words that ARE NOT so cute "nack" for snack (as in all day wanting one) and "Ariel" for Little Mermaid which is her most favorite movie that she wants to watch all the time or Cinderella. (She will only watch for 15 minutes and get bored so the 5 minutes it took to get it on was a complete waste of my time)

Then their are her prayers. She likes to say the prayer before we eat. She won't say it on her own so it involves repeating whom ever is helping her and it is always just the last word of the phrase. For example...Father....day.....food......food....bodies.....Amen. Even if it is not her turn she will just repeat the person saying it.


The other night when I was putting on her pajamas she started singing "No more monkeys jumping on the bed". This completely caught me off guard because although I know this song...I have never sang this song with her. I asked her where she heard that song and then she told me "nursery". I guess she is learning something from nursery.

Other songs I have heard her sing, the intro song to Diego, I am a Child of God, Popcorn song, and the chorus to Miley Cyrus's song It's a party in the USA which is currently one of my girls favorite songs right now (Addy will actually ask for the Hannah Montana song)....if it is not Miley it is Taylor Swift in our car....poor Elliott. ( Oh wait they also love Black Eyed Peas's I Gotta Feeling Addy always dances to this song)

**on a side note--Addy has been 100% diaper free even at night since Saturday....fingers crossed! She normally would do days so day AND night is huge. Diapers just may be a thing in the past for me! Knock on wood.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chinese New Year Party

I get to do Activity Days for 8 year-old girls. There are so many girls that their are leaders for each year. This past Tuesday they all came over and we had a Chinese New Year Party. The real celebration will begin on Feb 14th and thought it would be fun for them to know about this tradition ahead of time. It is the year of the Tiger so when they all arrived I had them make Tiger masks. I also made each girl a packet that had the brief history, coloring pages, a page to practice writing Chinese symbols, how-to use chopsticks page, and info about the year they were born (the year of the snake). We then made paper lanterns, played a game with chopsticks (the girls LOVED this), ate Chinese food, then finished off playing some traditional Chinese games until their parents came to pick them up. It was lots of fun!

While finding stuff for this party it was interesting to read about the different animals. For those that don't know each year it is a different animal (12 different) and it is believed that children born that year will have characteristics of that animal.

Elliott and Kylee are both Tigers, Alyssa and I are Snakes (so is my Mom), Ryann is a rooster (chicken) and Addy is a pig.

If was fun to read about the different personalities and what animals they recommend for friends and lovers. Tigers and Snakes are not recommended matches....darn wish I would have read that 13 years ago.....:)

The invitation I made (info on back)

Tiger Masks

Paper Lanterns (Alyssa is in the pink sweater)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What were you doing?

What were you doing one year ago today? Usually I wouldn't be able to answer such a question. It was one year ago that Elliott had his ever so fun surgery and his first day of training with AIMS. Now he has lovely scars to forever remind him of the ever-so-pleasant surgery. I am so grateful for living in a country that could provide medical technology to fix his lung. His lung has been fine....granted he stopped working out...but his lung is fine.
Happy Lung Day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not Ready

I just came back from the store and on my way home I passed by the Middle School close to our house. All of the kids were outside lined up...guessing it was fire drill practice. Middle School is a funny place, you have kids that look like they are 18 and kids that look like they are 9. Such an awkward time period for many. (I remember thinking I was so "old" to be in Jr. High and then High School even more so) It freaked me out a little with the thought that next year Kylee is going to be going to that school. She still thinks I am cool and I know it is a matter of time that she won't. I feel like I am throwing her to the wolves. I have always been excited about the girls growing up but....yeah.... Middle School is where it starts and leads them right into High School and this becomes scary for me because they can make some real "adult" decisions that will affect the rest of there life. It is the start of kids independence emerging (and we know that can be quite unpleasant for parents). They begin to try to figure out who they are, who they want to be, what they like, dislike, find their passions, figure out who their true friends are, wear makeup, they learn that cooties don't exist and in fact really like "those boys", and worse thinking they are in love with one, uhhhh heart-break.....ahhh need I go one. Innocent children thrown to the wolves. I guess ready or not the day will come. I just hope I have done my part as a parent in teaching her the things she will need to know to survive...above all that we love her always.

(Handling attitude problems will be my challenge and Kylee's is already budding at times)

Monday, January 25, 2010

It Does Snow!

It does snow in Las Vegas....and the best kind...UP in the Mountains and not on your door step! It actually brings color to the mountains besides brown...and yes white is a color. Living in snow for many years you begin to expect it so it is fun to see it up in the mountains. I had to take some pictures because it doesn't last long.

I took these off the balcony that is off my bedroom...our view.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nap Time Stinks!

Their is this OBNOXIOUS video we have had since Kylee was little. It is "The Big Comfy Couch" with Loonette the Clown. She tries to get her doll to take a nap and sings this awful song/rap thing and the chorus is "Stayin' up stayin' up cuz NAP TIME STINK...whew"...repeat. The worst part is it will play over and over in your head long after the movie is over. If you have never seen "The Big Comfy Couch" your life just isn't complete. Well this is Addy's theme song these days. It is a hit and miss to get this girl to take a nap. She still needs one but fights it. On the days she fights it, it is not uncommon to find her somewhere asleep in the middle of what ever she was doing.

For Example:

An hour before bedtime she took a break from playing. She fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 7:30 the next morning. Now that is some serious ZZZZZs.

Watching a movie....rainiy day still in Pjs.

Loonette the Clown

Saturday, January 23, 2010

4 Year-Old Photography

Ryann knows the rule...she CANNOT EVER touch my camera without asking...EVER! Ryann knows rules but I don't think she understands that she is suppose to follow them. I found my camera on my bed and asked her if she used it...."No"....I guess she didn't realize the pictures SHE took would rat her out...duhh. Here are some of her pictures from her photo session. Some of Addy but the others are random ones inside our house...you forget what things can look like to a little person.

Through the eyes of a four-year-old:

Balcony off my bedroom

I can't help but laugh at this one...Addy is full of expresions.

Rainy Days

I can't believe all the rain! Vegas broke a record for how much rain it got. I don't know what it is but rainy days make for great soup and homemade bread days. Baking homemade wheat bread is a new thing for me. It really isn't hard and the taste CANNOT compare to store bought bread.

(Mom love the new bread pans!)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

If You Ever Hated Your Name

If you have ever hated your name as a child or as an adult just know their are always worse. Today I can across a name of a person who lived in the 1700s named Innocent Butts Phillips....Phillips being her maiden name....enough said.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

45 Life Lessons and 5 To Grow On

  1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
  2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
  3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
  6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to Disagree.
  7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
  8. It's okay to get angry with God. He can take it.
  9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
  10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
  11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
  12. It's okay to let your children see you cry.
  13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
  15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
  16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
  17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
  18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
  19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to your and no one else.
  20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, DON'T take "NO" for an answer.
  21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. TODAY IS SPECIAL.
  22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
  23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
  24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
  26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In Five Years, Will This Matter?"
  27. Always choose life.
  28. Forgive everyone everything.
  30. Time heals almost everything. GIVE TIME TIME.
  31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. STAY IN TOUCH.
  34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
  35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
  36. Growing old beats the alternative...Dying Young.
  37. Your children get only one childhood...make it MEMORABLE.
  38. Read the PSALMS. They cover every human emotion.
  39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
  41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it NOW.
  43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
  44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  45. The best is yet to come.
  46. No matter how you feel...GET UP, DRESS UP AND SHOW UP
  47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
  48. If you don't ask....you don't get.
  49. YIELD.
  50. Life isn't tied with a bow, BUT IT"S STILL A GIFT.

Elliott's Mom gave this to us for Christmas....so true...so true....

The Plain Dealer-Cleveland's Daily Newspaper- By Regina Brett, born 1956- Sunday May 29, 2006

New Addiction

So I have a new Addiction...purses. Yep that is right...PURSES! I NEVER EVER carried a purse while dating Elliott not even when we were first married. I was forced into carry a bag...diaper bag with the babies. BUT I am now in love with them...all colors, shapes, textures...you name it. The only criteria is they have to be cute and have some personality...yes purses have personalities. I switch them out to match my outfits on a daily bases if needs be. I have a wallet and a small makeup type bag that has all the needed purse stuff inside so switching purses is a breeze. It is so fun being a girl....and it helps I finally have a closet larger than a coat closet.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

3:22 p.m

I don't want to forget those random moments you come across with young children. Ryann and Addy have changed their clothes way too much today. Every time they wandered off they would come back with a new outfit on. At 3:22p.m. Addy goes running by with this attire on....backward panties and a backwards pajama top...at least she is consistent with a theme. Something about a cute little baby bum. On my way to grab my camera I came across Ryann with her third outfit of the day on...and her hair all riped out. Remind me why I bother fixing her hair in the morning? I found both outfits amusing.

I guess it doesn't take much to amuse a mom.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One Sister For Sale

When I was a little girl I loved to read poems from Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends. I love and remember many of them. The other day one rang in my mind.

One sister for sale!
One sister for sale!
One crying and spying young sister for sale!
I'm really not kidding,
So who'll start the bidding?
Do I hear a dollar?
A nickel?
A penny?
Oh, isn't there, isn't there any
One kid who will buy this old sister for sale,
This crying and spying young sister for sale?

Ryann comes running into the kitchen from the family room because Addy just picked up her toys exclaiming, "Mom Addy is doing great now we don't have to sale her!"

Not that we ever planned on putting Addy up for sale. But the big girls have asked if we could sale Ryann.

One sister for sale...One sister for sale...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Milestone Achieved

Yesterday Ryann performed her first haircut on a sibling....and Addison received her first haircut from a sibling....now their childhood is near complete! The crazy thing is I was just with them, walked out of the room to get a phone call and walked back in 6 minutes later. Just as I walked into my room and noticed 2 dolls, scissors, and a pile hair, Elliott walked in. The girls were off playing in the playroom. I saw the pile of hair and knew right away it wasn't doll hair and knew it was Addy's. Their was so much in the pile and knowing she doesn't have much to begin with panic set in... Images of what it could look like popped into my head that for a split second it made me want to laugh....but at the same time cry. They came into the room and I was able to asses the damage. It is basically all gone in the back of her head and about an inch long on the top. It was all down to her shoulders just prior and she didn't have bangs. It has taken Addy forever to get hair and now a huge set back. Good thing her hair is curly so it is less noticeable and good thing for bows....ahhhh. I love my Ryann. Just love her. And you should know I didn't even yell at her...partly because I was speechless. Instead I just grabbed the camera and grounded her from scissors forever. Good thing hair will grow back even if it will take another 2 years.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Out With The Old

Yesterday I went through the box of our old CDs placing them in there right cases. It is amazing the impact that music has on your life. Majority of these CDs date back to high school and college. ( I know that is a long time to hang onto stuff but at least I can honestly say I have no clothes hanging up in my closet from high school...well I do have my cheerleading uniforms...and yes I can still fit into them...but they are in a box so that doesn't really count...and come to think of it I really don't know why I still have them). I have forgotten about many of them. I could pick up any of the old albums without even hearing it and they would remind me of a person or place. This June with be 15 years since I graduated...wow. But hearing some of these song feels like yesterday. I have always enjoyed lots of different kinds of music...it usually depends on my mood. I couldn't believe how many empty cases I had left over with missing CDs and how many CDs without cases I had...they are probably with all of the missing socks. Elliott put all of them on our computer and now I don't have a need for them so ebay they go...someones junk is someones treasure. Not that I think they are junk but honestly their is no need to have CDs with today's technology. Now I can just put the songs I want to listen to on my ipod or phone and don't have to clutter my car or house with CDs. I am all about clearing out the clutter or stuff you don't really need so it doesn't become clutter. 67 CDs gone to the highest bidder.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I was on LDS.org and came across this video clip. It is from a recent talk that President Thomas S. Monson gave...it is so true.

What-Matters-Most --click on this to take you there.

Don't Mess With Ryann

Last night Ryann and Addison were sitting on the bar and I was painting their finger and toenails. Addison was blocking Ryann's view of the TV....this did not make Ryann the happiest. She in her ever so bossy tone told Addison to move. I am trying to work on "excuse me and please" with her. Addison of course can't move and Ryann then proceeds to tell her, "If you DON"T MOVE I AM GOING TO CUT YOUR HEAD OFF!" I am sensing a bit of pyscho-ness from her...I am thinking she is taking after her Uncle Paul (good news he turned out so their is hope). What ever happened to punching, kicking, hitting, etc. I then asked why would she do such a thing. With the expression of "DUH" because she is making me mad. Then I asked her how she would do it....again with the expression of "DUH" on her face she told me she would use a knife. Well okay then. Where she got this from...?? But it is so comforting knowing my child has thought about ways she can get rid of people at the age of 4. And then this morning she threaten Alyssa that she would cut her head off, too. Looks like Mommy needs to have another talk...or seek counseling for my deranged kid.

My new favorite saying (Thanks Hannah Montana's sidekick for this one, and yes I watch those stupid shows with my kids and find myself laughing along with them) "I hate her so much, I name my boogers after her."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mommy Makeover

Yesterday while taking a break from my ever so favorite cleaning to hear Ryann read her new book to me I was approach by Addison. She was carrying Ryann's makeup case and told me she wanted to give me a makeover....yeah a two year-old doing make-up.....enough said. (I was just surprised that she told me she wanted to give me a makeover...no idea where she heard that one) It was early enough in the morning before my shower so I agreed.....and oooooh was I hot after my makeover! I really loved the pretty glob of pink I think lip gloss goop on my cheek. She hasn't learned what each makeup item was and the appropriate place to put it....she is two. But she sure loved making Mommy all pretty and who can resist her cute smile. Makeup makeovers are far less painful from her liking to fix my hair.

Another highlight of yesterday was sitting at the table after dinner talking with Elliott while the girls were off playing, Alyssa came in to inform us that Addy had made a huge poop mess on the toilet. I didn't even have to say anything I think Elliott could just see in my eyes it was his turn. Still sitting at the table I could hear him in the bathroom cleaning up the gross mess and complaining to Addison the whole time....this made me quietly giggle....only quietly because it would have made him mad if he knew (poop is serious business). He was such a good Dad and good husband to go and clean that up. I don't know why it brings me pleasure when he has to take over once in a while and do the gross of the gross that as Moms we deal with on an ever so glamorous day...but it does.

Finally, that evening I helped Alyssa with her homework (am I that only mom out there that sometimes does not understand 3rd grade homework???...I swear I have a college degree) while trying to put together all the puzzles that Ryann and Addy decided to pull out, dump over, and scatter all around. Why do I own so many stupid puzzles? Then I moved on to picking up the polly pockets, ponies, play food, and doll house stuff. What would I do with my time without my children. (This mess occurred naturally eariler in the day as I was cleaning other parts of the house...at least they were entertained and enjoyed playing with each other...at my expense). I did this all while smiling....maybe. Yes I could have had them help me...but we all know that would have taken longer so I decided Elliott giving them a bath was a better option.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Let the Sunshine In

Monday through Friday I get up at the crack of dawn well right now it is before dawn, to meet up with some other moms to workout. I normally in the past have not been a morning person, whatsoever! This has been a big commitment for me. The hardest part is just getting out of bed and then I am fine. I like getting it done first thing with no kids around. Verses before I would wait for the best time each day I felt I could set aside some time to workout. This usually left me at the end of the day with no workout and feeling guilty because I didn't find the time or if I did find time the workout is usually interrupted several times. It is nice to be the first on up. When I get home some of the girls are awake but still are in their rooms reading or playing. It is my job to come in to my still dark home and open all the shutters...to let the light in. I usually at that point start to make breakfast. The light, sound, and smell usually gets them down the stairs. I am guaranteed a cute early morning smile from Ryann and Addy. Alyssa always tries to sneak in to see how close she can get to me before I notice. Kylee is always excited to tell me about the newest thing she just read in her book. Don't get me wrong mornings are rarely cry free in a house full of girls but I do enjoy the aspect of being awake first thing in the morning with them...most of the time. It is amazing the impact as mothers that we have on our children. Their is a saying, "If Momma ain't happy...then no one is happy" Isn't that the truth. I also feel that creepy kids makes a creepy mom.

I once was reading in a book that asked the simple question, "When your children hear the word mother, what picture forms in their mind's eye?" Do they imagine a pleasant, encouraging woman with a warm expression and a cheerful disposition? A haggard lady shaking her head from side to side with a disappointed expression on her face? Or maybe an angry woman giving "the look"...you know, that fearful, pointed glare that could stop a raging bull in its tracks (I personally have this look down)? A mother's list is always never ending and you never have a enough time or energy to get everything done...something will always come up short. This always tends to leave me feeling I am not good enough because I didn't get to everything. Their is always a toy that needs to be picked up, laundry to do, books to be read, blah blah blah..... And then while you are trying your hardest at the everyday....ahhhh trials come along and you have to figure out a new way to manage life. Through all this that question keeps popping in my head...What do my girls picture when they hear the word mother? One thing I have learned is how important a smile can be. I have been able to recognize that a smile is less the result of a good feeling and more a gift that we give to others. When we give a simple smile, we lift the spirits of the people around us. We can help them get through their day. So this year I am going to, despite how I feel, smile more...especially at my children. Just as it is my job every morning to open up the shutters and let the sunshine in...I figure that maybe a few more smile throughout the day will do the same...besides smiling won't take more time out of my day and smiles are contagious...you will always smile back even if you aren't in the mood.

**Side note...my new favorite word of Addy's is Peavy = Heavy. Her new saying is "What the heck?" Thank you Ryann.