Friday, February 27, 2009


Addison has found a new snack that she likes. One of her favorite things to do is climb up onto the counter or stove and get Coco's snacks and throw them all over the floor. Despite my best efforts to hide this container of treats it never get put back up high and out of reach. I think she enjoys seeing her mom come into the kitchen to have to clean up the big mess and get her down. Today when I went in to the kitchen I could see that she was eating one. I can't imagine those chalky mini bones tasting good but she didn't spit it out. I gave her some water to drink and then 2 hours later.....what do you know she was eating another one. I hide this stupid container and she manages to find it. This second time seeing her mouth full of a doggy biscuit literally almost made me throw-up. It grossed me out to say the least. I did manage to get her to spit most of it out. Knowing how busy she is and the consistent messes really makes me feel for Mothers of multiples. One is hard enough and then you add one more, two, three, four, five, six, seven more all the same age...all making messes. They would get nothing done for the first 4 years.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Ha ha! Sounds like my Emily. When I was on bed rest while preg with Zach I thought I had her locked upstairs with me (at Windsor Pointe). I heard the gate open and by the time I hobbled downstairs I found her on the counter making toast. She was only 18-20 months old. She has been a go getter from birth.