Friday, February 13, 2009

Endless Snot

What is the deal with the never ending snot that kids get when they are sick. Addison has a cold and I think I have gone through a large roll of Charmin's TP (which is hands down the softest). She is actually really good to lay their when you suck the snot out with a burger ball (great invention and a must have for all moms with babies/toddlers) because this was a daily morning ritual for her first 8 months of life and maybe she realizes that it is a huge benefit if I suck the snot out. BUT THEN...about five minutes later she has a huge clump of nasty snot hanging out of her nose and this process continues ALL DAY LONG. It is truly amazing what gross things we do as mothers! I am just glad that as we grow up we grow out of these normal baby/toddler habits. Can you imagine if adults would randomly trip and fall down on a regular basis like toddlers. I know their are clumsy people out there and this can happen every once in a far in between while...but all the time. And as adults we still wore diapers and would go #2 while staring at the people around us or in the middle of a conversation, with facial expression of slight strains and red faces like toddlers. Or when we got sick we would let the snot run down into our mouths or smear it away with the top of our hands all over our face. This brings me to the conclusion that growing up and progressing is not a bad thing!

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