Ryann Elizabeth -3 Years-Old
1. Her name is pronounced “Ryan”
(and we did not give her a boy name because we wanted a boy).
2. When she is told she will have to go to time-out she always asks, “Forever and ever?” I always reply , “Yes, forever and ever”.
3. Only likes wearing dresses or skirts and changes her clothes anywhere from 3 to 15 times a day, no exaggeration.
4. Is a VERY picky eater. She wouldn’t even eat baby food when she was a baby.
5. LOVES going to church and asks everyday if tomorrow we get to go to church.
6. Started walking at 10 months.

7. Loves to play with Dolls, Barbies, Polly Pockets, Pet shops, anything with a princess on it, and My Little Ponies.
8. Will do WHATEVER it takes to get what she wants! Pushing, kicking, hitting, biting on kids and continual whining on adults (thus the need for time-out, forever and ever).
9. Is the most considerate when you are sleeping. When she comes in to our room when we are trying to sleep she will whisper “Excuse me Dad (or Mom)” then whisper her question. (verses running in and yelling their problem or question)
10. Can beat you at the game of memory. It is her favorite game and likes playing it
over and over and over...
11. Loved watching, “The Wizard of Oz” when she was 18 months-25 months old. Over and over if we would let her. (How those monkeys didn’t scare her I will never understand)
12. Has a huge gap between her front teeth, large enough for a whole other tooth.
13. Obsessed with princesses and wants to be a princess when she grows up.
and frozen cookie dough balls.
(except the Ladybug Drop...scary!).
17. Had the nickname as “Peanut” that Alyssa changed to “Peani” when she was a baby.
18. Loves to sneak into her big sister’s rooms and steal their stuff and play with it. She thinks everything is HERS! This does not make her sisters happy which then doesn’t make her mom happy!
19. Has a hard time keeping her eyes open when she is smiling.
20. Loves to watch movies!
21. Was frank breech and born via C-section.

22. Says the cutest prayers and is the first to remind her mom if she forgets..
23. Loves to wear headbands.
24. Is very opinionated about what she wears but still insists that I pick her outfit out! Only to come down to her wearing what she wants to wear. (What she “thinks” matches doesn’t and tells me what I pick out for her doesn’t match and in the end will never wear what I pick out so I get annoyed when she asks me every morning to pick out her outfit and what is worse I know it is only a matter of minutes or hours until she will change her clothes...ahhhhhh)
25. Hasn’t realized that her farts can sink and will blame the smell on everyone else...
including the dog.
1 comment:
Hey! I have to say, this was a cute post! And, the one above- SO life as a young mom! Totally blogable!
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