Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cereal Bowls

At Last my long search for this cereal bowl is over.

This past Thanksgiving we went to CA. My Mom has these cereal bowls. They are plastic (which is great for kids), are not too small, and have a straw built in so it makes it easy for the kids to drink up their milk.

Ryann LOVES cereal (she gets it from her Grandma I guess because I am not so much a big fan unless I have morning sickness and it is Fruit Loops, Fruity Pebbles, and Apple Jacks all the way but I am thinking no more morning sickness is needed in my future). Ryann will easily eat three bowls of cereal in one sitting. She will have it for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and even for snacks. She is a picky eater and this makes life easy minus the fact that cereal is so expensive and the boxes they put on sale are smaller. We will easily go through a box in one day. Elliott thought it was just the cutest thing watching her eat a few bites and then stop and take a sip from the straw.

Since our trip I have been keeping my eyes open for these bowls. I wasn't trying the hardest by searching the Internet just checking out different stores as I was shopping. I went to Smith's Market Place and sure enough they had some. Ryann was all excited at first until she saw some princess bowls right above them. But once we got home the first thing she wanted to do was eat... CEREAL. For me personally drinking the milk at the end of your bowl of cereal grosses me out. I drank milk all the time growing up but now....not a huge fan. The idea of having floaties from the now soggy cereal and....no... it is just no good. But their Father insists upon them drinking their milk because "it is where all the vitamins go" and they can't miss out on that, now can they. When I eat cookies, brownies, PB&Js, and Spaghetti then milk is my choice of drink (I know the first two make sense but the later two???). All of the items listed are not regulars in my diet so plain milk drinking is just not happening especially if it has been tainted by some cereal. I do make protein drinks with milk, and eat other foods rich in calcium so no worries here.

This brings me to another point....the worst cereal ever, hands down are LUCKY CHARMS!!! I don't care how old the child is they will always pick out the dumb hard marshmallows and refuse to eat the nasty other part. ALWAYS! It for the most part is forbidden in our house. Every once in a far in between blue blue moon I will give in and buy it under the condition that all of it gets eaten. It is a guarantee if any of the girls are with me while shopping they will ask for it. And I give them the same answer no matter how many times they promise they won't just eat the marshmallows....hmmmmmm N-O!
In the end the girls are excited to have new bowls, Father is happy that girls will have an easy-no-excuse way to drink the milk, and Mother gets more bowls to wash. Everyone is a winner...(clap three times and smile)


The Jonas Family said...

I am the same about milk! Not a big drinker of it and neither are my kids, but I try and make them drink it even if we are not (except for the same diet you have, then I do). I should look into those cereal bowls for my kids!

Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

I am glad you found the bowls, I have been looking for them too. I did find them in a grocery store in Florida while at Pauls and Nikkis...but I didn't have room to
bring them back! Enjoy! Mom

David and Julie said...

There are three beverages in our home: Water, Milk, and Juice. Our family drinks milk with just about every meal. Like you, I love milk with speghetti and PB&J. I can not eat a brownie without a glass of milk. The biggest, and longest going argument that has been going on between Julie and I is what type of milk to buy. Me...2%, and her...fat free (white water). We have compromised on 1%. Angela, I can't believe you do not like cereal... Paul and I are both HUGE cereal eaters. I especially love breaking up graham crackers into a bowl and flooding them with milk. It makes a tasty cereal that Dad taught us. Julie can't stand it because it makes the graham crackers soggy.

Angela said...

We buy 2% for the girls and recently converted from 1% to fat free (white water) for the adults. I do LOVE graham crackers with milk too but like Julie I don't like them in a bowl because the texture of soggy mushy graham crackers are NASTY. So I just dip them instead. All of my girls love this for a snack.