Sunday, May 9, 2010

Biking at Lake Mead

Yesterday we took all the girls and our bikes to Boulder City. They had a place we could park right by Lake Mead and then get on a 4 mile trail that was used for the railroad in building the Hoover Dam. Elliott towed the younger two in the bike trailer and the big girls rode their bikes. Alyssa wish Grandpa was their with his boat so we could go out on the lake and then wanted me to ask the people parked next to us that had a boat if we could go out on it with them.
Getting ready for the ride!
They were troopers riding 4 miles in and 4 miles back in 90 degree temperature. One little crash, a few tears from one, and a creepy mood from the other one we made it. Their were 5 tunnels that you got to ride through on your way to the dam. At the end of the trail we parked our bikes and walked down and around to show them a closer look of the dam. Once we got back to the bikes we had a snack and headed back. After we were finished we headed into Boulder City to get some dinner and check out some of the Antique shops and of course stop in the Ice Cream parlor for a little treat. Boulder City is such a cute old little town.

One of the tunnels.

Walking down to the Dam (I dumped water on Alyssa's head to help cool her off)

Down at the visitor center

Eating our snack..you can see part of the picnic table to the right...we opted for the shade even if it meant seating on the ground.

Taking a break just off the trail... Lake Mead

Great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I think the most memorable part of that day for the girls will be the cockroach in the sink when we went to wash our hands at the pizza place.....Ryann said, "This is the grossest bathroom ever!" I just prayed for no food poisoning.