Friday, January 29, 2010

Toddler Talk

The one thing that is aways cute with toddlers is when they are new talkers. It is amazing how one phrase or even just one word said by a toddler will make you laugh and by far the cutest is when they sing. Here are a few of Addison's latest:

"Walk-uh"--I think she is saying, "What The" nevertheless it makes me think of an ewok from Return of the Jedi even though I have not seen that movie since I was a kid and can't even remember if they even talk...but if they did..."Walk-uh" would be a word in there language. I also think this is just the shorten version of the phrase that she has said several times..."What the Heck?" Thanks to Ryann (a habit we are trying to break from her) Addison has picked up this phrase.

"Bless You"-- Elliott sneezed the other day and immediately Addy says "Bless you, Daddy"

Even hearing her saying "Hi, Ryann" first thing in the morning is cute. But the words that ARE NOT so cute "nack" for snack (as in all day wanting one) and "Ariel" for Little Mermaid which is her most favorite movie that she wants to watch all the time or Cinderella. (She will only watch for 15 minutes and get bored so the 5 minutes it took to get it on was a complete waste of my time)

Then their are her prayers. She likes to say the prayer before we eat. She won't say it on her own so it involves repeating whom ever is helping her and it is always just the last word of the phrase. For example...Father....day.....food......food....bodies.....Amen. Even if it is not her turn she will just repeat the person saying it.


The other night when I was putting on her pajamas she started singing "No more monkeys jumping on the bed". This completely caught me off guard because although I know this song...I have never sang this song with her. I asked her where she heard that song and then she told me "nursery". I guess she is learning something from nursery.

Other songs I have heard her sing, the intro song to Diego, I am a Child of God, Popcorn song, and the chorus to Miley Cyrus's song It's a party in the USA which is currently one of my girls favorite songs right now (Addy will actually ask for the Hannah Montana song)....if it is not Miley it is Taylor Swift in our car....poor Elliott. ( Oh wait they also love Black Eyed Peas's I Gotta Feeling Addy always dances to this song)

**on a side note--Addy has been 100% diaper free even at night since Saturday....fingers crossed! She normally would do days so day AND night is huge. Diapers just may be a thing in the past for me! Knock on wood.


David and Julie said...

For Halloween you can dress Addison up as Wicket Wystri Warrick the Ewok (a diminutive furry biped native to the forest moon of Endor) from StarWars Episode 6, Return of the Jedi. Its a befitting character for a toddler because one time, Wicket almost inadvertently killed Emperor Palpatine while defending the sunstar during Doctor Raygar's quest for Imperial domination. Ewoks even rode bordoks. Its like a pony with horns. I'm sure you can find a Pony in Vegas, put horns on it, and let Addy ride it around during trick-or-treating. Imagine how many people would comment on the authenticity of her costume, props, and language

Angela said...

Ummm...David I don't even know what to say.... I think I just may have a good idea what your "fantasy" bedroom attire is in the bedroom...and not the Lone Ranger outfit I gave you years ago.