Friday, December 4, 2009

Smart Girl

One of Ryann's Christmas gifts has been sitting out in the garage on the top shelf since I bought it a month ago. It is a pink and white Hello Kitty CD player. Saying she loves music would be an understatement. She is always singing and dancing...always! Today she was out in the garage with Elliott and discovered it. She pointed it out to Elliott and then told him it would look great in her room and then asked if she could have it. He told her he thinks the box was empty and then they came inside to let me know about the discovery and I told her, "Oh sorry buddy the box is empty." She responded immediately with, "Your lying." It was so hard not to laugh because she was so right! I always believed my mom's lies growing up...I even believed that if she got to "3" she would get the wooden spoon...I should have asked her what she was going to do with it...or be like my youngest brother and wait for her to get to "3" and find out...then I would have discovered nothing happens at "3". I guess I better get wrapping...good thing it wasn't going to be a Santa gift.


David and Julie said...

We started count to three with Hannah, our second. I was frusterated with her one day because she was not doing what she was suppose to be doing, and then I had a flashback to Mom. Suddenly her words came out, "One...Two..." then miraculously, Hannah did what she was suppose to. I didn't have to get to three, I didn't have to explain what happens when you get to three, she just knew she had to listen when I said two.

Well, now I get to three a lot and Hannah spends a lot of time in "Timeout"...maybe it makes more sense to count Three, Two, One.

Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

I decided to speak up in my defense! I really would have spat your bums on 3...but I did get too tired when Paul came around...see there are advantages being the baby of the family!! AND prayers are answered...I would say please do as I have asked before I say