Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

It is so fun to be living in a house with a fireplace again. Living in Vegas their really isn't a need for one but it gives me a place to hang some stockings. Now Ryann won't have to ask how Santa is going to come into our house...I would like to know who came up with the dumb idea that Santa comes in through a chimney to begin with. We are pushing it to get them to believe that a man brings gifts to all the children in the world in one night and uses a sleigh and reindeer for transportation....but that he uses the chimney to get into your house with all the gifts....like I said pushing it... No wonder Kylee at the age of 8 questioned it and it made no sense that he could be real. Just like the tooth fairy...why would a fairy want kids gross teeth and pay them for it at that...yucky.

This year we got new stockings...and no I didn't make them. I left that up to Pottery Barn Kids. Elliott's matches Kylee & Ryann's and mine matches Alyssa & Addy's. We have a real tree which reminds me I need to probably water it (the down side). We love the smell but they can be messy. The girls love decorating the tree and do such a good job that redecorating is not necessary. I know my mom would redecorate our tree growing up. I am hoping next year to get a fake one to put in the Living Room area that is decorated by me and then get our traditional real one for the family room with all usual ornaments. That is part of the fun for the girls is remembering all the ornaments they received or made that hang on our tree.

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