Monday, October 5, 2009

Still Unpacking..ugh

I have now been living in our new home for 1 month and am still not unpacked. So much for meeting my goal of being unpacked within 1 month. It really is awful everyday to wake up and know their is still lots to do on top of maintaining everything you have already done. This is no easy task with small children! Today I finally accomplished the laundry room...ahhh. Elliott has finally finished training...yeah!!! and has come home...well at least to his new home. Now I am finally able to get things done with his help. We are now down to just the small random stuff that I didn't know what to do with packing and now I am wondering what to do with it unpacking. We have already donated 5 boxes of stuff to the DI since being here. It always feels so good to get rid of stuff. We are still waiting for our wood flooring to be installed in our office...then we can unpack those boxes too. We have come up with a "TO-DO" list....and it is quite long but feels good when we can check something off. This house is a lot bigger than our last and is nice to unpack my kitchen with empty cabinets (and in my laundry room) or shelves to spare. Their have been boxes that I unpacked that I hadn't touched since they were packed from our home in Casper (2 years ago) because our last house had a tiny kitchen.

While unpacking my kitchen I started pulling spice after spice out of a box. So I like spices and usually cook with fresh when I can. I don't know what is worse that I have just about every spice (81) out there or that I put them in alphabetical order in my cupboard? This picture does not do them justice and some are missing.


The Jonas Family said...

wow, look at all those spices! I probably have 10 at most! You must be quite the cook. Do your kids like the spices too?

David and Julie said...

I was cooking the other day and couldn't find corriander among all the spices in my cupboards. I thought to my self, "Maybe if I alphabetize them, I could find the spices I need." I guess it runs in the family.


Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

Yes...it runs in the family...I have mine all in order except five that I use the most I put down in front to grab easier! I finally got smarter after 36 years of married life to move them down "out of order". When you kids were young and we moved my goal was ONE box a day and I felt good. Needless it took months to get things in order. You will get there...now you have help. luv, Mom