Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Ryann told me that she couldn't wear a certain shirt because people would see her armpits.

Yesterday we had dinner at the park. I was the last to get in the car and failed to notice Ryann's "outfit". She will change her clothes too many times to keep up. She was wearing capris with Kylee's nylons (that are too big for her) underneath with white sandals. She looked like an old lady. Her shirt didn't match her capris either. Lovely, I love it when they look homely in public.


Jana said...

LOL! Love it!! :)

geri said...

And that my friends is why I don't even bother to battle my children about what they are wearing. I had a hard enough time getting Karissa out of the park today. And let's face it, my lack of fashion sense right now is rubbing off on my girls. Only so much you can do with maternity clothes!!