Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I teach in RS on the fourth Sunday every month. This coming Sunday my lesson is on Respect and Reverence. I just can't get past the thought of "yeah right...ME teach about REVERENCE!! Have they not seen MY girls during Sacrament Meeting?" Sacrament Meeting is the most painful 1 1/2 hours EVER! Some weeks are definitely better than others. On those really bad days it seriously takes everything out of me to not just walk out and go home. I have had older mothers tell me that they were frustrated when they had little ones but now miss it...WHATEVER! It is their way of trying to make you feel better but NO one in their right mind will miss non stop talking, fighting, crying, having to go to the bathroom...really really bad, need to get a drink or they will die, crackers smashing in the carpet,...need I go on? Even if they are being "good" they still may be playing with their toy or coloring loud or decide they just feel like singing a song or in our case laughing really loud (even if it is Addy's cute laugh). To sit in a Sacrament Meeting a be able to just sit there and listen...What would that be like?

1 comment:

Steph said...

Jason took over sacrament meetings. He took away EVERYTHING. He makes them sit quietly and the last 15 min they get 1 pen and some paper to draw, only if they are reverent. I thought he was crazy but now they are very well behaved. We don't do any snacks, toys, books, nada.
Colbie, on the other hand just discovered how to squeal. She also likes to fart when it is really quiet. I guess she has a long way to go!
Good luck with your talk!