Saturday, May 9, 2009

Random Cuteness

On fun thing about being a Mom is hearing your kids say the funniest, cutest, or most embrassing things...Here are a few recent cute ones that I can remember.

Ryann..."I get to go see the dentistsea?" (for some reason she adds sea at the end of dentist)

I was fixing Ryann's hair and picked up a hair brush and she asked me if that brush was going to hurt her feelings.

Ryann..."Can I have some E-E-O-C-E?"
Mom..."What's that?"
Ryann..."Ice Cream!" (With older girls we will spell when we don't want Ryann to know what we are talking about...some she has clued in on)

Alyssa... My parents were sitting next to each other eating at the table all by themselves. She told them that she thought they looked so cute and that they looked like barbies and that she would buy them if they really were barbies.

1 comment:

The Jonas Family said...

kids do say the funniest things and I always forget to write it down.