Saturday, May 9, 2009

About Time

The evening of April 18th, after Alyssa's baptism, we finally go the news we have been waiting for way too long to hear...Elliott has a job! Over 900 applicants narrowed down to 52 interviews and from their 8 were chosen to be apart of this training program with Biomet. It is a company that makes lots of orthopedic devices. He will be specializing in their Sports Medicine Division. The down side is that we don't know if he will take the position here in our city or if he will take a position in another city. We were told we would know in 5 weeks which is now a little less than two weeks away. He started training that following Monday. That was painful not knowing if we stay or if we go! Of the selected 8, 4 will go on to further training to be specialty reps for the company and the other four will started working mid-June. Elliott is trying for the specialty rep position which will put him out of town for a while. Either way we are happy that our life will finally move forward. It is looking more like we have a move in our future. So in-between studying and homework and conference calls we are BUSY getting our house ready to be put on the market. We have gone through 3 truck loads of mulch. Then we moved to the inside which involved repainting everything! I am sooooo sick of painting. We are almost done. We have gone to bed every night these last 3 weeks exhausted and I wake up the next morning cringing because I know what my day will hold. Yes poor Addison and Ryann have not been getting lots of attention so we did take a short break from house work and took them to the Zoo one day this last week. It is so close to our house, why not and they love it. We just got all new carpet in the basement so this means all the BLUE IS GONE!!! Even if he ends up with the position here, at least our house is fixed up and how lucky we are that he got a job to begin with in this ever so attractive job market. So this is why I have had no time to update my blog. This next week it is down to little things so it shouldn't be that bad...ha who am I kidding?

1 comment:

The Jonas Family said...

you will have to take a picture of your home improvements inside as well as outside.