Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Time for Everything

This morning when we arrived at church the man greeting us told us we might want to keep our coats on because the heat was not working. Our building was built many many years ago 1940s or 50s. It is either 100 degrees inside or 50 degrees inside. They will be tearing it down in April to build a new building. Our Ward Conference was even held with no power. They did cut it short but had an adult meeting following Sacrament Meeting by using a generator for light before sending us home. Not the building lights but a cord with dangling lights. It felt like camping. So back to today. Our chorister had us stand for every song. It was actually nice because it made people stand up and pay attention and actually sing. The interesting thing was following the Sacrament the Bishopric Counselor ask for the Primary Chorister to come up and lead us in a few Primary songs that have actions. So as a Congregation we all sang "Once there was a Snowman" and yes with the actions...everyone. Then we sang "My Hands" and finally "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes". Again the whole congregation and with the actions. I tell you what, it was a lot of fun. I am sure it totally confused many children. My girls stopped what they were doing and for once payed attention and sang the songs. How lucky we are to live in a place that we normally get to worship in a building that has power, air conditioning, and heat. In some countries this isn't an option and I bet you anything they are not singing "Once there was a Snowman" to try and warm up during Sacrament Meeting. How blessed are we and how ironic that the speakers spoke on humility.

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