Monday, January 26, 2009


Elliott's left LUNG is being VERY naughty! So today Elliott went back in for his follow up check-up. The lung was partially collapsed and the Dr wanted to perform surgery ASAP. When he called me to let me know what was going on I was making dinner. The same enchiladas that I was going to make the Saturday he was admitted to the hospital on the 10th. I didn't make them that night because he loves Mexican food and why go through the work when the girls would be happy with mac and cheese and I could take the night off from cooking. (I love cooking but a break every once in a while is quite nice.) I told him I will never make them ever again (which is not realistic considering we both love them). He was able to come home to eat dinner, get his stuff together, and then his parents took him to the hospital. At dinner I noticed that he was wearing the same shirt that he wore when he went to that first Dr appointment that sent him to the hospital the first time. He informed me that he was wearing the same pants and shoes as well (don't worry they had been washed since the last time). Seriously I think I will burn that shirt along with the Enchilada recipe! With a partially collapsed lung he still helped to do the dishes and take the garbage out. He is such a good man!

Because his lung collapsed again the Dr told him that he had a 50% chance that this would happen again without surgery. Having surgery it will reduce that chance down to 5%. He isn't bummed about surgery. Mr. Optimism is glad because this whole thing had him freaked out to begin with. He also wants to get back to exercising and cycling (when/if the snow melts). The Dr says he will be in the hospital for about 5 days. (Our luck double that) So tomorrow morning he will have his surgery. I told him not to follow the light. Another chest tube will also be put in. After tomorrow morning he will be back on the road to recovery. In the mean time his ladies will miss him and pray for him!

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