Thursday, January 29, 2009

7 Seconds...

This morning I was able to drop off Ryann and Addison at Elliott's parent's house so I could go and see him at the hospital. The hospital that he is staying at is huge and each section is divided up and posted on the outside of the hospital (Cancer, Newborn & Women, Heart and Lung, etc.) This is nice because you can go directly to where you need too. He is in the "Heart and Lung" section of the hospital. It is classic that you will find people outside the doors to this part of the hospital SMOKING! Granted it isn't as bad as seeing someone on oxygen and smoking but pretty close.

The first thing I thought when I walked in there, "There is no way he is coming home in a few days unless the Dr is on crack!" He just looks hummmm...not so good and I can tell he is in a lot of pain. It is hard when you see people you love in pain especially knowing their is nothing you can do to make it go away.

Someone came to take him on a short walk. This was interesting considering he has a heart monitor, oxygen monitor, epidural that is hooked up to a pump, a chest tube hooked up to another machine, an IV, and a catheter. So much stuff and trying to get a gown to close completely around all that is not the easiest (I guess being in his condition in a hospital their is nothing wrong with a little cheek showing especially when it is his cute cheeks). Coming back from the walk he decided it was the best time to have his sheets changed while he was out of bed. The CNA came in and gave him some more pain medication in his IV and we moved him to a chair. While she was changing his sheets he says, "I am going to pass out." He has passed out several times and knows the feeling. The CNA looked at him and then kept making the bed. He then said, "It's coming!" At this time she pressed the pager around her neck. It is voice activated and she asked for his nurse. The computerized voice couldn't recognize the nurse she was trying to page. Three times she asked and it kept on saying, "I am sorry I could not recognize that name." I felt like I was in a bad dream, was this really happening? It was as bad as when you try calling a company with the computer you have to talk to and it can't understand your answers! At this point he passes out and I told her she need to get someone in here now! Seriously, I wanted to punch this girl in the face because I don't think she knew what to do. I was holding his head and shoulders to keep him from following over. Just then 4 RNs came in the room just as he opened his eyes back up. In the process of trying to figure out what had just happened they reviewed his heart monitor for the last few minutes. Normally his heart had been steady in the 60s but at this time it was in the 30s. Around the time that he passed out his heart had stop beating altogether for 7 SECONDS. Talk about an UNFUN moment! They were able to get him back in bed. Someone came in to preform an EKG and then it was time for me to leave. Like I said I can't believe he will be coming home in a couple of days. On the good side his xray from that morning looked better then the day before. I just hope he has a better second half of the day and can actually get some sleep tonight since it hasn't happened yet.


geri said...

Wow, that is scary!! I know how it feels, though to have your hubby all hooked to monitors and just helpless. When Jason had his shoulder surgery a couple years ago, I was a basketcase going and seing him that first evening. The first time he called me I couldn't understand him because he was so drugged up. It was horrible to see him that way. Sorry to hear of all the troubles you guys have been having lately, but you sound like you are in good spirits. Congrats to Elliot on getting into the training program. Keep in touch!

The Jonas Family said...

Angela, you sound like you are holding up, although I am sure it is very difficult. Your family has gone through a lot and you deserve the blessings of this new training program. I hope Elliott recovers well and enjoys what he is doing. Good luck!

Steph said...

I hope he comes home soon!
Let me know when your family has calmed down and you all are laughing about this whole thing. I have a few jokes to throw Elliot's way.
We will keep you in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

I was complaining earlier about my knee hurting from banging it last night while playing basketball, so I guess I will shut up now. I don't know what to say....wow?