Saturday, March 21, 2009

Za Za Zoo

Nikki and I are on a roll. The day after our venture to see Dinosaurs we took the four younger kids to the Zoo. Luckily I only live about five minutes from the Zoo so the painful car ride was kept to a minimum. We started our day with a trip to the store to get some food for a picnic lunch at the Zoo. Then we were off to the Zoo. Below is a picture of Ryann and Bryant in their car seats. I know it would have been easier to have them not on the same row but it was the only way to fit all 6 kids with 4 of them in car seats. Their hands could barely reach each other so then they would spit on each other to make each other mad. Spitting is Bryant's main tactic but Ryann soon picked up the gross habit. Today was the first day that Nikki tried a new way to try to get him to stop spitting. I gave her a water bottle and every time he would spit she would spray him. She gave him a warning the first time. The second time she would spray. It was nice because she could do it in the car or at home. He would at first laugh and then when he realized he didn't have a towel it wasn't much fun and he would tell her to stop it. When she would discipline him he would always say, "Stop it Mom, Stop it!" One time when I told him to stop something he folded his arms and said, "HUH! STOP IT LADY!" It is hard to keep a strait face when he would get mad because it is the funniest cutest thing, even though in that moment it should not be cute or funny.But the spraying seemed to work because the amount of times he would spit dramatically reduced and if he did do it, spraying immediately put a stop to it. The water gave him an idea to what it is like to have someone spit in your face except not as gross. A almost three year old has no idea how gross spitting in someones face is especially when the spitter is sick.

When we first got to the Zoo we decided to eat lunch and then headed off to tour the Zoo.

Climbing the fence to get a good look at one of the Giraffes.

I guess Ryann got sick of posing for pictures. I didn't ask her to make this silly face it was all her.

Addy's favorite was looking at the "mummys" (monkeys). The one sitting by Ryann is 5 years past it's life expectancy. It was not the cutest mummy and virtually hairless.

Addy trying to undress again.

Playing at the park!

We finished our day at the Zoo by taking a ride on the fine choo choo train. I am loving this beautiful weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will you send me some of those pictures. good times!