Tuesday, March 17, 2009


After the whole dumb commercial, the word "SEX" and "SEXY" has become Alyssa's new favorite word. My sister-in-law was holding her 6 month old daughter and Alyssa comes in and starts talking to her in baby talk saying, "Briley you are so sexy, I bet you have lots of sex don't you." She kept saying stuff like this to her baby. Nikki tells her that she really shouldn't be saying that word and that Briley definitely is not having a lot of sex. Then Alyssa adds that she doesn't even know what sex is but loves saying that word. To add to this dumb sex word, Kylee and Alyssa come home from school and I have a Women's Health magazine sitting out that just came in the mail and Kylee sees it and says, "Look its that Sex word again." It was actually the word sexy...what magazine doesn't have sex on the cover. UHHHH the dreaded talk has got to happen.

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