Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spontaneous Pneumothorax...WHAT??

I can't believe that this February will be 2 years from when Elliott lost his job. At that time I would have called you crazy if you predicted my future that two years from then he still won't have a job. This has been a very hard journey with its ups and downs. He has had the worst luck with companies. You name it, it happened. The worst was either going through a 5 week interview process being told the whole way he was the top pick only coming down to an EMAIL, "thanks but we will be going with another candidate" or maybe it was another drawn out interview process of near daily calls with the hiring manager telling him he was really trying to push for Elliott's hire to come down to "If this guy doesn't work out for some reason consider the job your" and when it did come down to it the guy fell through the manager fumbled over his words and was one of those "nice guys" that had no intentions on ever hiring him and was not up front or direct. Basically someone that probably shouldn't be a manager. Elliott has become a professional interviewer. With its up and downs of emotions we have made it through and feel at peace and happy. What you learn in trials is not something you can learn in school, from a book, or even from church. It is a different type of education you receive. It can spiritually drain you if you are not careful but through patience, hope, and faith you can grow but on a whole new level. We are good. We are blessed. We are loved. Now all we need is for Elliott's career to pick up where it has left off. One thing that I have always done through this process is to count my blessings. Life could always be worse no matter your situation. I would tell myself "at least we are all healthy". In October Addy got the ROTA virus and ended up in the hospital for a week. But at least I knew she was being monitored and that she was going to be okay. This was our first time having any of the girls in the hospital. The only hospital overnights up to this point for us was when each of the girls were born without any complications.

About six weeks ago Elliott started working out with a pretty intense program. He noticed about 2 weeks ago that he had this chest pain and it hurt to take deep breathes. He figured that it was a sore muscle. He noticed that running would hurt and decided to stick to bike rides till it started feeling better. He got to the point were walking up the stairs would make him winded. Knowing this was not normal and that something else had to be going on he went to a Care Clinic on Saturday the 10th. An xray showed that his left lung was completely collapsed and was sent to the Hospital. This brings us to the word Spontaneous Pneumothorax . (Who comes up with these names and why can't they just call this Collapsed Lung?) This is when a collection of air or gas is in the space between the lungs and the chest that "collapses" the lung and prevents it from inflating completely. Spontaneous meaning that their was no traumatic injury to the chest or lung. It is a freak thing that can happen and is more common in tall, thin, males, ages 20-40 years old. BAM! That would be Elliott! So he has been residing in the hospital since. They stuck a chest tube in his chest (while he was awake). This helps to clear out the air so the lung can inflate. Sunday everything was looking great and it is a two step process he has to pass before they will take the tube out. He passed the first step and failed the second. This means that the hole in his lung hadn't healed and that he had to start the process all over. But on Tuesday with the chest tube hooked up he had more air in his chest and his lung collapsed again. We knew this meant he was going to have to have a new chest tube and a larger one put in. The Drs where questioning if the tube was doing its job and this showed them that it wasn't. His experience with the first tube going in was no fun. He was doing great trying not to look. He got a glimpse and passed out (who wouldn't). Luckily, the second time they put him to sleep. This is the last try with the chest tube. If it doesn't work, surgery will be needed to seal the hole in his lung. Air had gotten up into his throat and was very painful and it also got in between his skin and puffed his chest area up. He has a huge man boob now (that will go away with time). I told him now he has a glimpse into what it is like to get your milk in. Today he is doing great and passed the first stage. Later this evening he will have another xray to see if he passes the final stage. This means he could actually come home tonight if not for sure tomorrow if all goes well.

So in the mist of all that has gone on over the last two years the word "classic" comes to mind. Why wouldn't this happen to us? I allowed myself two minute of crying in the shower because I don't know if our insurance is going to cover any of this. Then it was time to look on the brighter side! (Note Dang New Years Resolution) I feel so blessed to still have Elliott around. The fact that he walked around for a little over a week and went on a bike ride with one lung is amazing. Like I said in the beginning... It could have been worse! It also happened in a good week. This is the 1st week he didn't have an interview lined up (like I said professional interviewer). I am also overwhelmed with all of the comments left one Facebook for us, all the phone calls, offers of help, the help, the cards, care package from my Mom, and most of all the prayers. Thank you so much for your support. The "Dancing" continues...

The girls visiting Dad! Ryann was a little scared of the oxygen tube in his nose but warmed up after a while. She asked Elliott if he was broken.

You can't appreciate how swollen his left chest is in this picture.
**Update-Elliott gets to come home tonight! We are so excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice that we can leave comments now. What are you training for the tour de France, Settle down Elliott. I am actually starting an exercise program because I am the heaviest I have been in my life...rounding in at 221 pounds! (This is Paul speaking by the way.) It's nice to have the weight to throw around in basketball but I can't get down the court fast enough. I will try to post some before and after pics when the time comes. Hope all goes well Elliott.