Saturday, January 10, 2009

BYE BYE Pacifier!

The Tucky Fairy came to our house yesterday!! Many of you are wondering what is a Tucky Fairy?? For those of you that have been over to our house or around our girls a "tucky" is what they call their pacifier. I think it started back when Alyssa was a baby and she made up the name. I guess it just stuck. When Ryann was at the age that I should have taken it away, it was a very STRESSFUL time. It was up in the air if and when we would move and I was pregnant with Addison. I declined the opportunity to take it away because I wanted her to have her comfort items (she also loves her pink blanket)with the foreseen changes. Ryann's tucky is her crack!!! She can't (or doesn't think she can) cope without it or go to sleep without it. With Ryann always having one it was a given that Addy became an addict as well (a little less dependent compared to Ryann). They would steal them out of each others' mouth and fight over them and sometimes share them when the other one was sad. They would walk around with them and place them who knows where...then bedtime or a sad time would arise...ahhhhh! Where are the tuckies when you need them? You can NEVER EVER find one when you need one no matter how many you buy. (Even though they were suppose to stay in bed, didn't work). We got so sick of it and have been planning this day for months!!!

Yesterday Ryann and Addison received a letter from the "Tucky Fairy" she told them that they were big girls and it was her job to collect tuckies from the big girls/boys and give them to the babies that needed them. She left an envelope for them to collect them all from around the house and put them inside. Then they were to leave them in the mailbox for her to pickup and she would leave them a special surprise in return. Ryann was so excited! I wondered if she really knew what this meant. Alyssa helped her find all the tuckies and they put them in the mailbox.

A few hours right before bedtime the doorbell rang and she left them a special gift.

Ryann has found a new interest in Pet Shops and will sneak in to Alyssa's room and steal them away from Alyssa. Alyssa is very possessive of her 100+ pet shops. She has them all named and know where/when she got each one! What do you know the fairy left Ryann some of her very own Pet Shops! Addison got a little bear that plays music, she wasn't to interested had really had no idea what in the world was going on. We had to take them away from both. ALL or nothing baby! They went down for bed just fine. Ryann did wake up a few hours later and asked for her tuck but when we told her where they were she was fine. NO CRYING FOR TUCKIES!! YEAH! I know it has been only one day...I am optimistic it will be fine! They have no choice because they are gone. This idea took what could be a horrible situation and turned it into a special fun one. I mean how often are we visited by a fairy? I can't take credit for this idea. I saw it on the Supper Nanny. Thanks Supper Nanny! (It also helped having all the mailing envelopes on hand thanks to our ebay store.)


The Jonas Family said...

I know how it goes, but it is better taking the pacifier away. I still have a son, almost 5 years old and he sucks his two right fingers. My daughter had a pacifier up until 2 1/2 and when we moved to AZ she was a big girl and threw it away, plus no more crib but a new bed. She has been good ever since. I like the fairy idea though!

Anonymous said...

that's awesome. When it comes time to take away thumbsucking, it may be a little harder than that. Briley is a huge fan of her thumb. oops! We miss you too.