Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wax On, Wax Off

A tradition that we have with Nikki (Paul's wife) is a waxing party at some point in time. I don't know why we find pleasure in seeing other people have to go through the pain of having their hair riped out but we do. The best is when we force the men to have something waxed. Men are so wimpy and it is funny to hear them scream like a girl. We didn't have any men around this time. Alyssa is our hairy monkey. She has been wanting Nikki to wax her arms and yesterday was the day. I was so impressed with how brave she was and she didn't even cry. Here are the before and afters:

Beautiful silky smooth arms

1 comment:

Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

Poor Alyssa gets her Grandpa Fawson genes...just like her mother had! For once I don't get the blame for something passed on!!