Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Love Day!

To start our Valentine's Day I made pink heart shaped pancakes with strawberries on top. Then for lunch we made pizzas in ....you'll never guess...heart shapes. I took a large heart shaped cookie cutter to the pizza dough and let the girls make there own. For dinner I made Filet Mignon, Lobster tails, and grilled Salmon....yum and no heart shapes about it. After dinner we played a few "valentine" games. We did a coin toss onto hearts that would tell you to do something...kiss, hug, etc someone else. The girls liked the "pinch a bum" heart. Then the girls had butterfly nets to catch hearts I cut out that Elliott and I dropped from the balcony on the second floor in front of our office. Following we played pass the heart and HEART (Bingo). Yeah I know a little cheesy but the girls loved it and the little prizes.

For Valentines this year each girl wanted to do their own thing. Life would be so simple if they merely wanted to give a Fun-dip or Hannah Montana Valentine.....but that wouldn't be a child of mine I guess. Kylee wanted to make Muddy-Buddys or Puppy Chow from Chex mix. She has 33 kids in her class so we had to triple the recipe and then put in bags. Alyssa wanted to make candy ipods and Ryann we did bags of goodies for Pre-School (this time I made sure I didn't forget wear I placed the items) and sucker-flowers for her other friends. For their teachers this year, instead of give chocolate we gave hand soap....I know chocolate probably would have been better. I bought red soap took the labels off and printed on transparency paper Love in different languages and then inserted it inside for "Love Soap". I really am not a big fan of Valentine's Day because I just think it is dumb. But I will still try and make it special for my valentine's.....speaking of which gotta run and make some chocolate covered strawberries.

Some pics of our final projects:

The ipod is a box of sweethearts candies and peanut butter cups...cute idea from Family Fun magazine.

I placed the ipods in a bag to keep the strings from tangling

1 comment:

The Jonas Family said...

Wow! You really get into your holidays! Good for you! I wish I was more motivated like you. I love all the Valentine gifts you and your girls made to give away, so much better than the store bought stuff.