Thursday, September 10, 2009

Big Girl Addy!

I can't believe she is already 2! I forgot in the mist of all this she on some days refuses to wear a diaper...so not the time to potty train. While we were at our house before we owned it but under contract she went in her soon-to-be bedroom and took her diaper off and marked her territory but not with pee but pooh. Luckily, they were little nuggets and we knew we were replacing the carpet before moving in (because sand paper is softer) but I still had to pick up poop! I do not get paid enough....oh wait I don't get paid anything...and how does this make sense? Potty Training is at the top of the lists of unfun things I have to do as a mother.

We didn't bring our crib with us to Las Vegas!!! YEAH! Ohh it is a beautiful thing to get rid of all that baby stuff!! So Miss Addy is in a big girl bed! The HUGE downside...I get a good leg workout walking up and down the stairs as she gets out of bed. The one nice thing about cribs is that they double as a cage.

I also love how when I tell her "no" she will shake her head and say "nooo" because she doesn't want me to tell her no and if I am lucky it will be followed by her hitting me.

It is also cute how every night I read her some really short cute story and she laughs after I read each page...too cute.

These pictures were taken at the end of June when she turned 2.

P.S. I am so proud of myself only two boxes left to unpack in my kitchen and they are cookbooks. Four boxes I unpacked today had stuff I never unpacked in our last house that were from Wyoming. Our last house had a tiny kitchen.

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