Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So behind

I am a month behind on my blogging and plan on catching up...ugh my days are not long enough and that is with me getting up at 5:30...A.M.!!! I have last week of school, two birthday parties, new roommates & puppy, new glasses, almost my house catching on fire, and now Eclipse pictures, on top of writing papers and school work and the normal house cleaning and cooking and my calling and soon a new job. Like I said lots to post! Hopefully this week I can get to it!

Side note:

On the way to church on Sunday I told Addison that I get to go to her nursery class today to help out.

Ryann then asked, "Did they ask you to help out because you are pretty?"

Elliott replied, "Yes they asked mom because she is pretty, they wouldn't want anyone ugly in there scaring the kids."