Monday, January 11, 2010

Out With The Old

Yesterday I went through the box of our old CDs placing them in there right cases. It is amazing the impact that music has on your life. Majority of these CDs date back to high school and college. ( I know that is a long time to hang onto stuff but at least I can honestly say I have no clothes hanging up in my closet from high school...well I do have my cheerleading uniforms...and yes I can still fit into them...but they are in a box so that doesn't really count...and come to think of it I really don't know why I still have them). I have forgotten about many of them. I could pick up any of the old albums without even hearing it and they would remind me of a person or place. This June with be 15 years since I graduated...wow. But hearing some of these song feels like yesterday. I have always enjoyed lots of different kinds of music...it usually depends on my mood. I couldn't believe how many empty cases I had left over with missing CDs and how many CDs without cases I had...they are probably with all of the missing socks. Elliott put all of them on our computer and now I don't have a need for them so ebay they go...someones junk is someones treasure. Not that I think they are junk but honestly their is no need to have CDs with today's technology. Now I can just put the songs I want to listen to on my ipod or phone and don't have to clutter my car or house with CDs. I am all about clearing out the clutter or stuff you don't really need so it doesn't become clutter. 67 CDs gone to the highest bidder.

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