Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mommy Makeover

Yesterday while taking a break from my ever so favorite cleaning to hear Ryann read her new book to me I was approach by Addison. She was carrying Ryann's makeup case and told me she wanted to give me a makeover....yeah a two year-old doing make-up.....enough said. (I was just surprised that she told me she wanted to give me a makeover...no idea where she heard that one) It was early enough in the morning before my shower so I agreed.....and oooooh was I hot after my makeover! I really loved the pretty glob of pink I think lip gloss goop on my cheek. She hasn't learned what each makeup item was and the appropriate place to put it....she is two. But she sure loved making Mommy all pretty and who can resist her cute smile. Makeup makeovers are far less painful from her liking to fix my hair.

Another highlight of yesterday was sitting at the table after dinner talking with Elliott while the girls were off playing, Alyssa came in to inform us that Addy had made a huge poop mess on the toilet. I didn't even have to say anything I think Elliott could just see in my eyes it was his turn. Still sitting at the table I could hear him in the bathroom cleaning up the gross mess and complaining to Addison the whole time....this made me quietly giggle....only quietly because it would have made him mad if he knew (poop is serious business). He was such a good Dad and good husband to go and clean that up. I don't know why it brings me pleasure when he has to take over once in a while and do the gross of the gross that as Moms we deal with on an ever so glamorous day...but it does.

Finally, that evening I helped Alyssa with her homework (am I that only mom out there that sometimes does not understand 3rd grade homework???...I swear I have a college degree) while trying to put together all the puzzles that Ryann and Addy decided to pull out, dump over, and scatter all around. Why do I own so many stupid puzzles? Then I moved on to picking up the polly pockets, ponies, play food, and doll house stuff. What would I do with my time without my children. (This mess occurred naturally eariler in the day as I was cleaning other parts of the house...at least they were entertained and enjoyed playing with each other...at my expense). I did this all while smiling....maybe. Yes I could have had them help me...but we all know that would have taken longer so I decided Elliott giving them a bath was a better option.

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