Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Puppy Puddles Show!

Starring Kylee and Ryann....

Our highlight Sunday evening was attending a show that starred Kylee and Ryann in their playroom. We often find ourselves invited to dance shows, puppet shows, restaurants, schools, beauty parlors etc as parents of creative girls. They set up or come up with something that we are then invited to take a part of. They are always....."entertaining" in some way. Usually we are given some warning because posters will appear all around the house inviting us to one of these events. Sunday it was the Puppy Puddles! It was a dance show with three different songs and different outfits. So off to the play room we went for our show. They had a curtain (blanket), used blankets for "the stage", and had chairs set up for us to sit.

The first Dance was to "I Want Candy" by Bow Wow

Next Dance was to "Just a Girl" by No Doubt

The Final Dance was to "Wild Child" by Enya
This show they used cotton balls to throw up in the air for an added effect.

This picture with Kylee in that pose cracks me up.

At the very end Kylee played "Who Let the Dogs Out" and invited us all to join in and dance. She can be such a great big sisters to Ryann. Who wouldn't want their big sister to play with you. I did video about 17 seconds of this dance on my camera. So you can get just a little glimpse of Puppy Puddles!


The Jonas Family said...

Wow, so creative! I love it! That is great that Kylee, your oldest, can be so helpful with her younger sisters.

Bob and Amelia Fawson said...

That really brings back memories of when Catherine and I were young.
We never invited our parents though. We would do "our shows" when they went to meetings and left us alone. We use to dance one at a time and the other one would hold a lamp as a spotlight and follow the dancer around the living room! Great Memories!!!

Miles Family said...

So cute, what good girls you have. They are lucky to have Kylee as the big sister.